Welcome To District 7 
Southwest Texas Area 68 (SWTA)
Alcoholics Anonymous

Need Help with a drinking problem?
A.A. Hotline 24 Hrs. 866-672-7029


"All parts of our Fellowship — group meetings, committees, offices, Conferences, and group jobs — share one common purpose: to help the alcoholic who still suffers. A.A. is made up of interconnected circles of people within the Fellowship, who work together to carry A.A.’s message of hope. But in order for A.A. to run itself without bosses or rules, in accordance with our Twelve Traditions, we need a system of communication for finding out how A.A. as a whole feels about its world affairs, and how it wants to operate."

Reprinted from Circles of Love and Service, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.

Current Service Opportunities

PI CPC Volunteers Needed Flyer Anon
District 7 Open Service Positions

Next District 7 Meeting

District 7 May Meeting Flyer

Service Fair "A.A. Groups - Active In Service"

Active In Service - D7 08.03.2024